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Is removable Veneer Right For You?

Oct 20

"USA's #1 non-surgical removable veneer, Best Tooth Whitening Strips, with the highest interest FREE financing available!" said Barbados, "uedidit". "The new Removable Veneer in white is just what I've been looking for. The results are amazing."

"I had my teeth veneered when I was 18. I decided to remove my smiley white fillings to improve my self esteem and confidence level. Going to the dentist was very expensive and a drag. It was painful having to go in for dental work, the pain of the filling material, the uncomfortable feeling of the metal bands and the stains that would leave my teeth looking a yellowish color.

"My dentist recommended Removable Veneer in white as an option to achieve the same result. It wasn't until I researched the topic online that I realized just how many choices there actually are out there today. You can even have your teeth whitened in your home without the hassle of visiting a dentist. It is the perfect answer for those that do not wish to spend weeks in the dental chair and miss a few days at work due to their illness or injury. This system does not require removal of teeth and is a low cost solution that many adults are opting to use to improve their smile without further complications. In just a matter of days the patient will see noticeable improvements.

Can I use a removable veneer with decayed teeth?

With removable veneers there is no cutting of the surface which makes it a low maintenance solution. The dentists are knowledgeable and skilled and can provide a wide range of options. They can create different designs using various materials such as porcelain, composite, wood, composite metals and gold. The material is lightweight which makes it easy to manipulate and place the veneer in the correct location. Once placed, it will bond tightly and last for a long time without the need for removal or daily upkeep. All the dentists place a bonding agent between the veneer and the tooth surface to make sure the bond is strong and it is important to take regular care of these.

Depending on the size of the impression, it can be between one and two thousand dollars. If more details need to be added, the price will increase accordingly. I understand how expensive it is to purchase this product but I am glad that I found a way to save money without sacrificing the quality. I went with two different companies and am happy that I made the right decision.

Removable veneers do have similarities to the traditional veneers that dentures are made from. The only difference is they are lighter and less expensive. It is difficult to tell the difference between the two because of their likeness, but the color of the veneer may be slightly different than the dentures. Removal of these dentures is not recommended by most dentists because of the possibility of infection. This is something that I did not have to worry about when I opted for this type of procedure.

A dental bonding process called adhesion bonding involves the use of two different materials. One is called the gum vault membrane and the other is called the gum cover. These materials are bonded together using a specific formula by a qualified dental laboratory. After this bonding process the patient's tooth will look like new. The difference in price is from one to two thousand dollars depending on the amount of work needed to achieve the results.

Removable veneers are not recommended for everyone. If one company is not happy with the results or the condition of the teeth a second company is willing to step in and do the work at a cheaper price. You can check with your dentist to see if he recommends this treatment for your situation. My dentist was happy to help me by explaining all of the reasons that I should not do this procedure.